No matter where we are in our journey of discipleship, everyone has a next step. Whether that's trusting in Christ for the very first time, or growing in your faith, Fellowship Church wants to help you find what's next for you.
Step 1 - Believe
The first step for the Christian – and every step afterward – is all about Jesus. Salvation is only ever through him and what he accomplished. We want you to know the Lord Jesus and the life he gives. His call is for us to turn from sin, to believe in him, to trust in him, and to follow him for the rest of our lives. If we do that, we'll be forgiven of our sins and enter into eternal life with God. To learn more about this gloriously good news, click below.

Step 2 - Get Baptized
Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change, unites us to the visible church, and is commanded by Jesus for all who follow him. Click below to learn more about baptism.
Step 3 - Become a Member
We are saved to become part of the community of the redeemed — the Church. The local church is Jesus' discipleship program. Therefore, it is vitally important for every baptized Christian to be part of a local church. If you would like to pursue membership with us, please see our membership page for more information about church membership and an application to join.

Step 4 - Join a GCG
Gospel Community Groups (GCGs) are at the heart of our discipleship strategy as a church and are the primary place where our church members fulfill the "one anothers" of the New Testament. To find out more and sign up for a GCG, click the link below!
Step 5 - Serve
Your next step as a disciple of Jesus is to do what Jesus did - give his life for the sake of others. Servant is one of our core gospel identities, and so we ask every member of Fellowship to serve in some way. To see all the ways you can serve, check out our dedicated page by following the link below.

Step 6 - Grow
Lastly, but certainly not least, we want you to deepen in your faith. If you are looking for more, Fellowship offers a variety of other equipping and ministry opportunities such as men's and women's ministries, marriage ministry, Fellowship Kids and Fellowship Students ministries for children and youth, and more. You can check out our ministries page (link below) to get involved and stay up to date!